Source code for nbtparse.semantics.filetype

"""Provides classes for working with NBT files as objects.

These classes extend :mod:`nbtparse.semantics.nbtobject` and provide save
and load methods so the file can be easily (de)serialized.


import gzip
import io

from ..syntax import tags
from . import nbtobject

[docs]class NBTFile(nbtobject.NBTObject): """Simple class for handling NBT encoded files holistically. An entire NBT file is read and decoded via :func:`tags.decode_named<nbtparse.syntax.tags.AbstractTag.decode_named>`, and then converted into a Pythonic object. """
[docs] def save(self, output: io.BufferedIOBase, rootname: str=''): """Writes this file to output as NBT. The root tag will be called :obj:`rootname`. """ nbt = self.to_nbt() nbt.encode_named(rootname, output)
[docs] def load(cls, input: io.BufferedIOBase): """Creates a new :class:`NBTFile` from the input file-like. Returns :obj:`(rootname, NBTFile)`, where :obj:`rootname` is the name of the root tag. Conventional :class:`.NBTObject`\ s do not make use of their external names, so if you intend to use it somewhere, you need to capture it here. """ rootname, nbt = tags.decode_named(input) return (rootname, cls.from_nbt(nbt))
def __repr__(self): return '<NBTFile: {!r}>'.format(
[docs]class GzippedNBTFile(NBTFile): """`Gzipped`_ variant of :class:`NBTFile`. .. _Gzipped: """
[docs] def save(self, output: io.BufferedIOBase, rootname: str=''): """Writes this file to output as gzipped NBT.""" with gzip.GzipFile(mode='wb', fileobj=output) as gzipped_file: super().save(gzipped_file, rootname)
[docs] def load(cls, input: io.BufferedIOBase): """Creates a new :class:`NBTFile` from the gzipped input file-like.""" with gzip.GzipFile(mode='rb', fileobj=input) as gzipped_file: return super().load(gzipped_file)
def __repr__(self): return '<GzippedNBTFile: {!r}>'.format(