Source code for nbtparse.minecraft.terrain.tile

from ...syntax import tags
from ...semantics import nbtobject, fields
from .. import item, entity

[docs]class TileEntity(nbtobject.NBTObject, metaclass=entity.EntityMeta): """A tile entity. Stores additional data about a block.""" id = fields.UnicodeField('id') id.__doc__ = """A string identifying the type of tile entity.""" coords = fields.TupleMultiField(('x', 'y', 'z'), (int,)*3, (tags.IntTag,)*3) coords.__doc__ = """The coordinates of this tile entity. .. note :: :class:`.region.Region` will usually overwrite this attribute with the appropriate value; you do not need to work with it directly. """ def __repr__(self): name = type(self).__name__ return '<{}: id={!r}>'.format(name,
[docs]class Container(TileEntity): """One of several different kinds of containers. Consult the id to determine which kind. """ custom_name = fields.UnicodeField('CustomName') custom_name.__doc__ = """The custom name of this container. Rename using an anvil. """ lock = fields.UnicodeField('Lock') lock.__doc__ = """Optional string specifying a "lock item." Players not carrying the lock item will be unable to open the container. """
[docs]class Beacon(TileEntity, id='minecraft:Beacon'): """A beacon.""" levels = fields.IntField('Levels') levels.__doc__ = """How tall the pyramid is""" primary = fields.IntField('Primary') primary.__doc__ = """The primary power selected (as a potion ID)""" secondary = fields.IntField('Secondary') secondary.__doc__ = """The secondary power selected (as a potion ID)"""
[docs]class Cauldron(Container, id='minecraft:Cauldron'): """A brewing stand (not actually a cauldron).""" items = fields.ObjectListField('Items', item.Item) items.__doc__ = """The items in the brewing stand. Slots numbered from 0 to 3 inclusive. """ brew_time = fields.IntField('BrewTime') brew_time.__doc__ = """How long the brewing stand has been brewing. Measured in ticks. """
[docs]class Chest(Container, id='minecraft:Chest'): """A single chest. Double chests are two of these next to each other.""" items = fields.ObjectListField('Items', item.Item) items.__doc__ = """List of items in the chest. Slots go from 0 to 26. 0 is the top left corner. """
[docs]class Comparator(TileEntity, id='minecraft:Comparator'): """A comparator.""" output = fields.IntField('OutputSignal') output.__doc__ = """Strength of the output signal. Will very likely be overwritten on the next block update. """
[docs]class Control(Container, id='minecraft:Control'): """A control block.""" command = fields.UnicodeField('Command') command.__doc__ = """The command to send on activation.""" success_count = fields.IntField('SuccessCount') success_count.__doc__ = """Strength of the redstone output. Used for commands like ``/testfor``. Only updates on activation. """ last_output = fields.UnicodeField('LastOutput') last_output.__doc__ = """Output from most-recently executed command.""" track_output = fields.BooleanField('TrackOutput') track_output.__doc__ = """Unknown."""
[docs]class DaylightSensor(TileEntity, id='minecraft:DLDetector'): """A daylight sensor.""" pass
[docs]class EndPortal(TileEntity, id='minecraft:Airportal'): """An end portal.""" pass
[docs]class FlowerPot(TileEntity, id='minecraft:FlowerPot'): """A flower pot.""" item = fields.IntField('Item') item.__doc__ = """Block ID of the contents of the pot. Most block ID's will not work; generally only plants are allowed. """ flower_type = fields.IntField('Data') flower_type.__doc__ = """Data value of the contents of the pot."""
[docs]class Furnace(Container, id='minecraft:Furnace'): """A furnace.""" burn_time = fields.ShortField('BurnTime') burn_time.__doc__ = """Number of ticks of fuel remaining.""" cook_time = fields.ShortField('CookTime') cook_time.__doc__ = """Number of ticks current item has been cooking for When this reaches 300, item is done. """ items = fields.ObjectListField('Items', item.Item) items.__doc__ = """List of items, with slot field. Slot 0 is the cooking item, slot 1 is the fuel, and slot 2 is the output. """
[docs]class Hopper(Container, id='minecraft:Hopper'): """A hopper.""" items = fields.ObjectListField('Items', item.Item) items.__doc__ = """Items in the hopper""" cooldown = fields.IntField('TransferCooldown') cooldown.__doc__ = """Time until the next transfer. Zero if no transfer is imminent. """
[docs]class SpawnPotential(nbtobject.NBTObject): """One possible spawn from a spawner.""" type = fields.UnicodeField('Type') type.__doc__ = """ID of the entity to spawn""" weight = fields.IntField('Weight') weight.__doc__ = """Relative likelihood that this spawn will be used. Must be positive. """ properties = fields.NBTObjectField('Properties', nbtobject.NBTObject) properties.__doc__ = """Tags to copy to the entity to spawn."""
[docs]class Spawner(TileEntity, id='minecraft:MobSpawner'): """A mob spawner.""" spawn_potentials = fields.ObjectListField('SpawnPotentials', SpawnPotential) spawn_potentials.__doc__ = """List of :class:`SpawnPotential`\ s. Used to fill in some of the fields of this object after each spawn. """ entity_id = fields.UnicodeField('EntityId') entity_id.__doc__ = """The ID of the next entity spawned.""" spawn_data = fields.NBTObjectField('SpawnData', nbtobject.NBTObject) spawn_data.__doc__ = """Tags to copy to the next entity spawned.""" spawn_count = fields.ShortField('SpawnCount') spawn_count.__doc__ = """Number of mobs to spawn at once.""" spawn_range = fields.ShortField('SpawnRange') spawn_range.__doc__ = """How far away from the spawner to spawn. X and Y are both indepently constrained by this radius, so the target area is square rather than circular. """ delay = fields.ShortField('Delay', default=-1) delay.__doc__ = """Time until next spawn in ticks. If set to -1 (the default for newly-created Spawners), randomize this value, :obj:`entity_id`, and :obj:`spawn_data` when a player comes in range. """ min_delay = fields.ShortField('MinSpawnDelay') min_delay.__doc__ = """ Minimum allowed delay, when Minecraft generates it.""" max_delay = fields.ShortField('MaxSpawnDelay', default=1) max_delay.__doc__ = """ Maximum allowed delay, when Minecraft generates it.""" max_entities = fields.ShortField('MaxNearbyEntities') max_entities.__doc__ = """Maximum entities to spawn. If this is exceeded, stop spawning until some of the entities go out of range. """ player_range = fields.ShortField('RequiredPlayerRange') player_range.__doc__ = """Maximum distance from a player. If no player is within this range, the spawner will shut down. """
[docs]class Music(TileEntity, id='minecraft:Music'): """A music block.""" note = fields.ByteField('note') note.__doc__ = """Pitch of the block. Every right click increases this by 1. In music theory terms, this measures the number of semitones above F# (octave 3). Values may range from 0 to 24 inclusive, or two full octaves. """
[docs]class Piston(TileEntity, id='minecraft:Piston'): """A piston.""" block_id = fields.IntField('blockId') block_id.__doc__ = """Block ID of the moving block.""" block_data = fields.IntField('blockData') block_data.__doc__ = """Data (damage) value of the moving block.""" facing = fields.IntField('facing') facing.__doc__ = """Direction the piston is facing.""" progress = fields.FloatField('progress') progress.__doc__ = """How far the block has moved.""" extending = fields.BooleanField('extending') extending.__doc__ = """Whether we are extending."""
[docs]class RecordPlayer(TileEntity, id='minecraft:RecordPlayer'): """A jukebox.""" record_id = fields.IntField('Record') record_id.__doc__ = """Item ID of the record being played. Zero if the jukebox is empty. """ record_item = fields.NBTObjectField('RecordItem', item.Item) record_item.__doc__ = """The record in the jukebox. Can place other items here as well. """
[docs]class Sign(TileEntity, id='minecraft:Sign'): """A sign.""" line1 = fields.UnicodeField('Text1') line1.__doc__ = """First line of text. If longer than 16 characters, excess is discarded. """ line2 = fields.UnicodeField('Text2') line2.__doc__ = """Second line of text.""" line3 = fields.UnicodeField('Text3') line3.__doc__ = """Third line of text.""" line4 = fields.UnicodeField('Text4') line4.__doc__ = """Fourth (last) line of text."""
[docs]class Skull(TileEntity, id='minecraft:Skull'): """A skull on the ground.""" skull_id = fields.ByteField('SkullType') skull_id.__doc__ = """Data value of the skull.""" skull_name = fields.UnicodeField('ExtraType') skull_name.__doc__ = """Name of player whose skull it is.""" rotation = fields.ByteField('Rot') rotation.__doc__ = """Rotation (same as sign data values)."""
[docs]class AbstractDispenser(Container): """A dropper or dispenser.""" items = fields.ObjectListField('Items', item.Item) items.__doc__ = """Things to dispense or drop."""
[docs]class Dropper(AbstractDispenser, id='minecraft:Dropper'): """A dropper.""" pass
[docs]class Dispenser(AbstractDispenser, id='minecraft:Trap'): """A dispenser.""" pass