Source code for nbtparse.minecraft.terrain.region

from collections import abc as cabc
import datetime as dt
import io
import itertools
import logging
import struct
import time
import zlib

from .. import entity_ids
from . import chunk

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

OFFSET_LENGTH = 4  # bytes

SECTOR_SIZE = 4096  # 4 KiB

CHUNK_HEADER = 5  # bytes


SIDE_LENGTH = 32  # chunks
CHUNK_LENGTH = 16  # blocks

def _fix_index(index):
    x, z = index
    x = int(x)
    z = int(z)
    x %= SIDE_LENGTH
    z %= SIDE_LENGTH
    return (x, z)

[docs]class Region(cabc.MutableMapping): """A Minecraft region file. :obj:`region_x` and :obj:`region_z` should be the region coordinates (as they appear in the filename). Standard constructor creates an empty region. :meth:`load` loads a region from a file. For both loading and saving, files generally need to be seekable. This may pose a problem if you want to send a region over the network or through a pipe. Depending on your memory and disk resources, you may be able to use :class:`io.BytesIO` or :mod:`tempfile` as temporary buffers. Contains individual chunks. Access chunk (1, 2), in chunk coordinates, as follows:: r = Region.load(...) chunk = r[1, 2] No slicing. A :exc:`KeyError` is raised if the chunk does not exist. You may use absolute or relative coordinates as you please; they will be translated into positive relative coordinates via modulus. You may also replace one chunk with another. """ def __init__(self, region_x: int, region_z: int, namespace=entity_ids.VANILLA): filename = 'r.{}.{}.mca'.format(region_x, region_z) self.chunks = {} self.timestamps = {} self.coords = (region_x, region_z) self._namespace = namespace @classmethod
[docs] def load(cls, region_x: int, region_z: int, src: io.BufferedReader, namespace=entity_ids.VANILLA): """Load a region from disk (or another I/O-like object). :obj:`src` must support seeking in both directions. """ if not src.seekable(): raise ValueError('src must be seekable') result = cls(region_x, region_z) result._namespace = namespace not_present = set() offsets = {} lengths = {} timestamps = {} for z, x in itertools.product(range(SIDE_LENGTH), repeat=2): logger.debug('Reading offset data for chunk %r, %r', x, z) raw = if len(raw) < OFFSET_LENGTH: raise RuntimeError('Incomplete region file.') high_word, low_byte, length = struct.unpack('>HBB', raw) offset = (high_word << 8) | low_byte if offset == 0: logger.debug('Chunk %r, %r is absent', x, z) not_present.add((x, z)) else: offsets[x, z] = offset*SECTOR_SIZE lengths[x, z] = length*SECTOR_SIZE for z, x in itertools.product(range(SIDE_LENGTH), repeat=2): if (x, z) in not_present: logger.debug('Skipping timestamp for absent chunk ' '%r, %r', x, z), io.SEEK_CUR) continue logger.debug('Reading timestamp for chunk %r, %r', x, z) raw = if len(raw) < TIMESTAMP_LENGTH: raise RuntimeError('Incomplete region file.') (posix_time,) = struct.unpack('>i', raw) timestamp = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(posix_time, dt.timezone.utc) logger.debug('Timestamp is %s', timestamp) result.timestamps[x, z] = timestamp for (x, z), offset in offsets.items(): result._load_chunk(x, z, src, offset) return result
def _after_load_chunk(self, x: int, z: int) -> None: """Hook called right after chunk (x, z) is loaded.""" self._insert_tiles(x, z) def _load_chunk(self, x: int, z: int, src: io.BufferedReader, offset: int): logger.debug('Loading chunk at %r, %r from %r', x, z, src) header = length, compression = struct.unpack('>IB', header) compressed = - 1) logger.debug('Compressed: %r bytes', len(compressed)) if compression != ZLIB_COMPRESSION: raise RuntimeError('Cannot work with compression method {!r}' .format(compression)) if len(compressed) != length - 1: raise RuntimeError('Incomplete chunk') raw_chunk = zlib.decompress(compressed) logger.debug('Uncompressed: %r bytes', len(raw_chunk)) loaded = chunk.Chunk.from_bytes(raw_chunk, namespace=self._namespace) self.chunks[x, z] = loaded self._after_load_chunk(x, z) def __repr__(self): x, z = self.coords return '<Region at ({!r}, {!r})>'.format(x, z) def _extract_tiles(self, c_x: int, c_z: int): """Extract tile entities and prepare to save them to disk.""" r_x, r_z = self.coords chnk = self[c_x, c_z] logger.debug('Extracting tile entities from VoxelBuffers in chunk' ' (%i, %i)', c_x, c_z) # Calculate origin of the chunk base_x = r_x*SIDE_LENGTH_BLOCKS + c_x*CHUNK_LENGTH base_z = r_z*SIDE_LENGTH_BLOCKS + c_z*CHUNK_LENGTH chnk.tiles = [] for sec_y, section in chnk.sections.items(): base_y = sec_y*SECTION_HEIGHT # Now (base_x, base_y, base_z) is the origin of section.blocks tilemap = section.blocks.tilemap for (x, y, z), t in tilemap.items(): block_x = x + base_x block_y = y + base_y block_z = z + base_z t.coords = (block_x, block_y, block_z) logger.debug('Extracted tile entity at (%i, %i, %i), ' 'chunk coordinates (%i, %i, %i), from ' 'section %i', block_x, block_y, block_z, x, y, z, sec_y) chnk.tiles.append(t) def _remove_empty_sections(self, x: int, z: int) -> None: chnk = self[x, z] for sec_y, section in list(chnk.items()): if section.blocks.empty(): del chnk[sec_y] def _before_save(self, x: int, z: int) -> None: """Hook called right before chunk (x, z) is saved.""" self._remove_empty_sections(x, z) self._extract_tiles(x, z) def _insert_tiles(self, x, z): """Insert tile entities into VoxelBuffers.""" logger.debug('Inserting tile entities into VoxelBuffers in chunk (%i,' ' %i)', x, z) result = self[x, z] for t in result.tiles: block_x, block_y, block_z = t.coords chunk_x = block_x % 16 chunk_y = block_y % 16 chunk_z = block_z % 16 section = block_y // 16 logger.debug('Inserting tile entity at (%i, %i, %i), chunk ' ' coordinates (%i, %i, %i), into section %i', block_x, block_y, block_z, chunk_x, chunk_y, chunk_z, section) vb = result.sections[section].blocks vb.tilemap[chunk_x, chunk_y, chunk_z] = t
[docs] def clear(self): """Mark this region as empty. Equivalent to deleting every chunk from the region, but quite a bit faster. """ self.chunks.clear() self.timestamps.clear()
[docs] def save(self, dest: io.BufferedWriter): """Save the state of this region. :obj:`dest` must support seeking in both directions. """ if not dest.seekable(): raise ValueError('dest must be seekable') offset_table = {} length_table = {} total_offset = 2*SECTOR_SIZE # Write the chunks:'Saving chunks') for (x, z), chnk in self.items(): logger.debug('Saving chunk %r, %r at offset %r', x, z, total_offset) # Loop invariant: total_offset % SECTOR_SIZE == 0 assert total_offset % SECTOR_SIZE == 0 offset_table[x, z] = total_offset // SECTOR_SIZE self._before_save(x, z) raw_chunk = chnk.to_bytes() logger.debug('Uncompressed: %r bytes', len(raw_chunk)) compressed = zlib.compress(raw_chunk) logger.debug('Compressed: %r bytes', len(compressed)) length = len(compressed) + 1 # length_table[x, z] = ceil(length / SECTOR_SIZE) # But that would create floating-point errors, so: length_table[x, z] = (length // SECTOR_SIZE) if length % SECTOR_SIZE != 0: length_table[x, z] += 1 header = struct.pack('>IB', length, ZLIB_COMPRESSION) total_offset += dest.write(header) total_offset += dest.write(compressed) if total_offset % SECTOR_SIZE != 0: total_offset += SECTOR_SIZE - (total_offset % SECTOR_SIZE) # Now write the header:'Saving header') for z, x in itertools.product(range(SIDE_LENGTH), repeat=2): if (x, z) not in offset_table: logger.debug('Skipping missing chunk %r, %r', x, z) dest.write(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') continue logger.debug('Writing header for chunk %r, %r', x, z) sector_offset = offset_table[x, z] sector_length = length_table[x, z] high_word = (sector_offset & 0xFFFF00) >> 8 low_byte = sector_offset & 0xFF item = struct.pack('>HBB', high_word, low_byte, sector_length) dest.write(item) now = int(time.time()) & 0x7FFFFFFF # XXX: This will cause a Y2k38 bug, but it's Mojang's fault for # using 4-byte timestamps in the first place.'Saving timestamps (as %r)', now) for z, x in itertools.product(range(SIDE_LENGTH), repeat=2): if (x, z) not in offset_table: logger.debug('Skipping missing chunk %r, %r', x, z) dest.write(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') continue logger.debug('Writing timestamp for chunk %r, %r', x, z) item = struct.pack('>i', now) dest.write(item)
def __getitem__(self, index: (int, int)) -> chunk.Chunk: x, z = _fix_index(index) return self.chunks[x, z] def __setitem__(self, index: (int, int), value: chunk.Chunk): x, z = _fix_index(index) self.chunks[x, z] = value def __delitem__(self, index: (int, int)): x, z = _fix_index(index) del self.chunks[x, z] del self.timestamps[x, z] def __iter__(self): for key in self.chunks.keys(): yield key def __len__(self): return len(self.chunks)