Source code for nbtparse.minecraft.terrain.dimension

import abc
import collections
import as cabc
import contextlib
import errno
import functools
import itertools
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import uuid

from ...exceptions import ConcurrentError
from .. import entity
from .. import entity_ids
from .. import entityfactory
from . import voxel
from . import region
from . import chunk

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CHUNK_BLOCKS = 16  # to a side
REGION_CHUNKS = 32  # to a side



FIRST_DOTFILE = '.phase1-inprogress'
SECOND_DOTFILE = '.phase2-inprogress'

TMP_FORMAT = 'r.{}.{}.mca.tmp'

TMP_GLOB = '*.mca.tmp'

REGION_FORMAT = 'r.{}.{}.mca'

    fsync = os.fdatasync
except AttributeError:
    fsync = os.fsync

def _cache_correct(meth):
    """Decorator for public-facing methods which may enlarge the cache.

    Automatically flush the cache when the method returns.

    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return meth(self, *args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

[docs]class RegionManager(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Abstract class for managing region objects. Implementations are responsible for creating and caching region objects, or objects which are duck-type compatible with regions. In `PEP 484`_ notation, the required duck type is as follows:: typing.MutableMapping[typing.Tuple[int, int], chunk.Chunk] .. _PEP 484: The primary consumer of this interface is :class:`Dimension`. Other classes may use it, but for simplicity, this documentation refers to the API consumer as a "dimension." .. note:: The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT" "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in `RFC 2119`_\ . .. _RFC 2119: """ @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def get_region(self, r_x: int, r_z: int, require_exist: bool=True): """Return the region at the given coordinates. An implementation MUST satisfy these invariants: * The dimension MAY mutate the return value of this method in-place. Any changes made SHALL be preserved in future calls to this method. * The dimension SHOULD periodically call :meth:`release`. After it does so, the dimension SHALL NOT modify any regions without first reacquiring them from this method. * If require_exist is True and a region does not exist, an :exc:`IndexError` SHALL be raised. Existence is implementation-defined, but SHALL be internally consistent. * If require_exist is False, an :exc:`IndexError` SHALL NOT be raised; if the region does not exist, an empty region SHALL be returned. * Regions SHALL NOT be created except at the request of the dimension, but implementations MAY prune empty regions (regions which contain no chunks). Said pruning SHALL only take place when :meth:`release` is called. .. note:: Coordinates are region coordinates, not block or chunk coordinates. Floor-divide chunk coordinates by 32 to get region coordinates. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def release(self): """Hook method called when regions are no longer needed. Affects the semantics of :meth:`get_region`. Briefly, once this is called, the implementation is no longer required to persist changes made to regions in-place. Implementations which engage in caching of region objects MAY flush or evict them here. Other implementations MAY take housekeeping actions appropriate to their specific needs. The default implementation does nothing, since some implementations might not need to take any action in this case. """ pass
[docs] def close(self): """Hook method called when the Dimension is closed. Implementations MAY save regions to disk or other persistence mechanisms at this time. Implementations which consume a lot of memory or other resources SHOULD make reasonable efforts to minimize their resource consumption after this method returns. The default implementation does nothing, since some implementations might not need to take any action in this case. The dimension SHALL NOT call any method other than :meth:`close` after the first call to :meth:`close`. Subsequent calls SHALL succeed and do nothing. Implementations MAY fail fast if the dimension violates this contract. """ pass
[docs]class Dimension: """A dimension, in Minecraft terms. A collection of (usually) contiguous regions. May be indexed and sliced using block coordinates. Indexing is similar to that of :class:`.voxel.VoxelBuffer`, except that X and Z coordinates are absolute, and X and Z slices must have both a start and an end. Dimensions may also be used as a context manager, to automatically call :meth:`close`:: with'foo/bar') as baz: # Do things Dimensions are not thread-safe. """ def __init__(self, regions: RegionManager, *, fill_value: voxel.Block=None, namespace=entity_ids.VANILLA): #: Namespace to use for entities. self.namespace = namespace #: Value to fill in when slicing into missing regions or chunks self.fill_value = fill_value #: :class:`RegionManager` to use when retrieving regions. self.regions = regions self._closed = False def __repr__(self): return '<Dimension: regions={!r}>'.format(self.regions)
[docs] def close(self): """Close this dimension. Once closed, a dimension is no longer usable. Closing multiple times is legal and has no effect. Some region managers, such as :class:`FileRegionManager`, require closing the dimension to ensure all data is saved properly. .. warning:: Dimensions do not automatically close themselves when garbage collected. You must close them explicitly. """ if self._closed: return self.regions.close() self._closed = True
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc1, exc2, exc3): self.close() return False # do not suppress exceptions def _flush_cache(self, save=True): """Remove extraneous items from the cache. Bring the cache size down to :obj:`max_cache`. Also invalidates any regions discarded from the cache, so use with care. If save is False, regions are not saved; this should only be used if you have saved them by hand somewhere else. """ self.regions.release() def _getregion(self, r_x: int, r_z: int) -> region.Region: """Retrieve and return the region r_x, r_z. Region will be cached; you are responsible for flushing the cache when it is no longer needed. """ require_exist = self.fill_value is None return self.regions.get_region(r_x, r_z, require_exist) def _getchunk(self, c_x: int, c_z: int) -> chunk.Chunk: """Retrieve and return the chunk c_x, c_z. You must flush the cache after. """ r_x = c_x // REGION_CHUNKS r_z = c_z // REGION_CHUNKS r = self._getregion(r_x, r_z) try: return r[c_x, c_z] except KeyError as exc: if self.fill_value is None: raise IndexError('Chunk {}, {} does not exist' .format(c_x, c_z)) from exc'Chunk %d, %d does not exist, filling in %r', c_x, c_z, self.fill_value) cnk = chunk.Chunk() for y in range(SECTIONS_PER_CHUNK): sec = chunk.Section() sec.blocks[...] = self.fill_value cnk.sections[y] = sec r[c_x, c_z] = cnk return cnk def _getsection(self, s_x: int, s_y: int, s_z: int) -> chunk.Section: """Retrieve and return the section s_y in chunk s_x, s_z. You must flush the cache after. """ c = self._getchunk(s_x, s_z) return c.sections[s_y] def _getsection_byblock(self, b_x: int, b_y: int, b_z: int) -> chunk.Section: """Same as _getsection, but use block coordinates.""" c_x = b_x // CHUNK_BLOCKS c_y = b_y // CHUNK_BLOCKS c_z = b_z // CHUNK_BLOCKS s = self._getsection(c_x, c_y, c_z) return s def _getblock(self, b_x: int, b_y: int, b_z: int) -> voxel.Block: """Retrieve and return a single block. You must flush the cache. """ s = self._getsection_byblock(b_x, b_y, b_z) x = b_x % CHUNK_BLOCKS y = b_y % CHUNK_BLOCKS z = b_z % CHUNK_BLOCKS return s.blocks[x, y, z] def _setblock(self, b_x: int, b_y: int, b_z: int, value: voxel.Block): """Replace a single block. You must flush the cache. """ s = self._getsection_byblock(b_x, b_y, b_z) x = b_x % CHUNK_BLOCKS y = b_y % CHUNK_BLOCKS z = b_z % CHUNK_BLOCKS s.blocks[x, y, z] = value def _make_chunk_range(self, x_slice: slice, y_slice: slice, z_slice: slice) -> (range, range, range): # Simplify the slice into one with a step of +1 # Caller can compute the real slice later x_start = min(x_slice.start, x_slice.stop) y_start = min(y_slice.start, y_slice.stop) z_start = min(z_slice.start, z_slice.stop) x_stop = max(x_slice.start, x_slice.stop) y_stop = max(y_slice.start, y_slice.stop) z_stop = max(z_slice.start, z_slice.stop) # Make ranges for the affected chunks x_chunk_range = range(x_start // CHUNK_BLOCKS, x_stop // CHUNK_BLOCKS + # Round up if there's a remainder: (1 if x_stop % CHUNK_BLOCKS else 0)) y_chunk_range = range(y_start // CHUNK_BLOCKS, y_stop // CHUNK_BLOCKS + (1 if y_stop % CHUNK_BLOCKS else 0)) z_chunk_range = range(z_start // CHUNK_BLOCKS, z_stop // CHUNK_BLOCKS + (1 if z_stop % CHUNK_BLOCKS else 0)) return (x_chunk_range, y_chunk_range, z_chunk_range) def _get_chunk_slice(self, x_chunk_range: range, y_chunk_range: range, z_chunk_range: range) -> voxel.VoxelBuffer: """Obtain a VoxelBuffer of the chunks around the given slices.""" # Prepare a temporary buffer to hold all the chunks we need x_size = len(x_chunk_range) * CHUNK_BLOCKS y_size = len(y_chunk_range) * CHUNK_BLOCKS z_size = len(z_chunk_range) * CHUNK_BLOCKS vb = voxel.VoxelBuffer(x_size, y_size, z_size) # Figure out the origin of the buffer x_base_chunk = x_chunk_range.start y_base_chunk = y_chunk_range.start z_base_chunk = z_chunk_range.start # Grab all the required sections into vb product = itertools.product(x_chunk_range, y_chunk_range, z_chunk_range) for x_chunk, y_chunk, z_chunk in product: sec = self._getsection(x_chunk, y_chunk, z_chunk) x_start = (x_chunk - x_base_chunk)*CHUNK_BLOCKS y_start = (y_chunk - y_base_chunk)*CHUNK_BLOCKS z_start = (z_chunk - z_base_chunk)*CHUNK_BLOCKS x_stop = x_start + CHUNK_BLOCKS y_stop = y_start + CHUNK_BLOCKS z_stop = z_start + CHUNK_BLOCKS vb[x_start:x_stop, y_start:y_stop, z_start:z_stop] = sec.blocks return vb def _set_chunk_slice(self, x_chunk_range: range, y_chunk_range: range, z_chunk_range: range, vb: voxel.VoxelBuffer): # Figure out the origin of the buffer x_base_chunk = x_chunk_range.start y_base_chunk = y_chunk_range.start z_base_chunk = z_chunk_range.start # For every section: product = itertools.product(x_chunk_range, y_chunk_range, z_chunk_range) for x_chunk, y_chunk, z_chunk in product: sec = self._getsection(x_chunk, y_chunk, z_chunk) x_start = (x_chunk - x_base_chunk)*CHUNK_BLOCKS y_start = (y_chunk - y_base_chunk)*CHUNK_BLOCKS z_start = (z_chunk - z_base_chunk)*CHUNK_BLOCKS x_stop = x_start + CHUNK_BLOCKS y_stop = y_start + CHUNK_BLOCKS z_stop = z_start + CHUNK_BLOCKS sec.blocks[...] = vb[x_start:x_stop, y_start:y_stop, z_start:z_stop] def _slice_cleanup(self, x_slice: slice, y_slice: slice, z_slice: slice) -> (slice, slice, slice): # Y is special because of the height limit # Allow negatives and wraparound y_slice = slice(*y_slice.indices(HEIGHT_LIMIT)) # Fill in missing steps if x_slice.step is None: x_slice = slice(x_slice.start, x_slice.stop, 1) if z_slice.step is None: z_slice = slice(z_slice.start, z_slice.stop, 1) index = (x_slice, y_slice, z_slice) if any(x.step == 0 for x in index): raise ValueError('Step cannot be zero') if any(x.start is None or x.stop is None for x in index): raise ValueError('Indefinite slices not allowed') return x_slice, y_slice, z_slice @_cache_correct def __getitem__(self, index): if type(index) is not tuple or len(index) != 3: raise TypeError('Indexing is three-dimensional') if all(type(x) is int for x in index): x, y, z = index'Retrieving single block %r, %r, %r', x, y, z) return self._getblock(x, y, z) elif all(type(x) is slice for x in index): x_slice, y_slice, z_slice = self._slice_cleanup(*index)'Slicing dimension to %r, %r, %r', x_slice, y_slice, z_slice) x_range, y_range, z_range = self._make_chunk_range(x_slice, y_slice, z_slice) # Obtain the chunk slice: vb = self._get_chunk_slice(x_range, y_range, z_range) x_base_chunk = x_range.start y_base_chunk = y_range.start z_base_chunk = z_range.start # Finally, take a slice out of vb # Transform the given absolute coordinates into relative # coordinates: x_start = x_slice.start - x_base_chunk*CHUNK_BLOCKS x_stop = x_slice.stop - x_base_chunk*CHUNK_BLOCKS x_step = x_slice.step y_start = y_slice.start - y_base_chunk*CHUNK_BLOCKS y_stop = y_slice.stop - y_base_chunk*CHUNK_BLOCKS y_step = y_slice.step z_start = z_slice.start - z_base_chunk*CHUNK_BLOCKS z_stop = z_slice.stop - z_base_chunk*CHUNK_BLOCKS z_step = z_slice.step return vb[x_start:x_stop:x_step, y_start:y_stop:y_step, z_start:z_stop:z_step] else: raise TypeError('Must use slices or indices and not a ' 'combination of both') @_cache_correct def __setitem__(self, index, value): if type(index) is not tuple or len(index) != 3: raise TypeError('Indexing is three-dimensional') if all(type(x) is int for x in index): if type(value) is not voxel.Block: raise TypeError('Individual elements must be Block, not ' '{}'.format(type(value).__name__)) x, y, z = index self._setblock(x, y, z, value) elif all(type(x) is slice for x in index): if type(value) is not voxel.VoxelBuffer: raise TypeError('Slice assignment must be VoxelBuffer, not ' '{}'.format(type(value).__name__)) x_slice, y_slice, z_slice = self._slice_cleanup(*index) x_range, y_range, z_range = self._make_chunk_range(x_slice, y_slice, z_slice) # Obtain the chunk slice: vb = self._get_chunk_slice(x_range, y_range, z_range) x_base_chunk = x_range.start y_base_chunk = y_range.start z_base_chunk = z_range.start # Finally, put a slice into vb # Transform the given absolute coordinates into relative # coordinates: x_start = x_slice.start - x_base_chunk*CHUNK_BLOCKS x_stop = x_slice.stop - x_base_chunk*CHUNK_BLOCKS x_step = x_slice.step y_start = y_slice.start - y_base_chunk*CHUNK_BLOCKS y_stop = y_slice.stop - y_base_chunk*CHUNK_BLOCKS y_step = y_slice.step z_start = z_slice.start - z_base_chunk*CHUNK_BLOCKS z_stop = z_slice.stop - z_base_chunk*CHUNK_BLOCKS z_step = z_slice.step vb[x_start:x_stop:x_step, y_start:y_stop:y_step, z_start:z_stop:z_step] = value self._set_chunk_slice(x_range, y_range, z_range, vb) else: raise TypeError('Must use slices or indices and not a ' 'combination of both') @property def entities(self): """Sliceable collection of entities. Provides a similar slicing API to the dimension itself, except that extended slicing and ordinary indexing are unsupported. Slicing the object returns a set of entities. Slices may also be assigned to and deleted. As with dimensions, all slices must be fully-qualified, except for Y-dimension slices. Unlike with dimensions, slice indices may be fractional. Other collection-related operations are not currently supported. .. note:: The slices are sets, not lists. Duplicate entities with the same UUID and type are not supported and will be silently coalesced. """ return _EntitySliceable(self)
[docs]def open(path: str, *, max_cache: int=5, fill_value: voxel.Block=None, namespace=entity_ids.VANILLA) -> Dimension: """Create a new :class:`Dimension` object. Return value is backed by a :class:`FileRegionManager`. All arguments passed to this function are forwarded to the appropriate constructors. """ regions = FileRegionManager(path, max_cache, namespace) return Dimension(regions, fill_value=fill_value, namespace=namespace)
[docs]class FileRegionManager(RegionManager): """:class:`RegionManager` backed by the filesystem. Regions are stored and retrieved from disk in the specified path. A cache of regions is also maintained, and can be manipulated with these methods. The files get names like those in a typical Minecraft world. """ def __init__(self, path: str, max_cache: int, namespace=entity_ids.VANILLA): self.path = pathlib.Path(path) """Path to the dimension directory.""" self.cache = collections.OrderedDict() self._max_cache = max_cache self._atomic = False self._namespace = namespace def __repr__(self): return '<FileRegionManager: path={!r}>'.format(self.path) def _sync_directory(self): if == 'nt': # This does not work on NT logger.debug('Skip fsync() of directory %s (because Windows)', self.path) return path = str(self.path) fd =, os.O_RDONLY) try: logger.debug('fsync() directory %s', self.path) fsync(fd) finally: os.close(fd)
[docs] def save_all(self): """Save every region currently cached. Regions which are no longer cached have already been saved. Prefer correctness over speed; provide the same guarantees as :obj:`FileRegionManager.atomic`. A :exc:`~.exceptions.ConcurrentError` is raised if another save appears to have been in progress when this method was called. Under no circumstances are two or more :meth:`save_all` calls allowed to run concurrently on the same directory; all but one will always fail with an exception. If an exception is raised under other circumstances, it is recommended to call :meth:`recover_atomic`. """ # Do a two-phase commit # Touch dotfiles to mark which phase of commit we're in. phase_1_path = self.path / FIRST_DOTFILE phase_2_path = self.path / SECOND_DOTFILE try: phase_1_path.touch(exist_ok=False) except FileExistsError as exc: raise ConcurrentError('Dimension directory is dirty') from exc self._sync_directory() # Phase 1: save all regions to temporary files. # If this fails, we can just remove them for region in self.cache.values(): tmp_path = (self.path / TMP_FORMAT.format(*region.coords)) with'wb') as tmp_file: tmp_file.flush() fsync(tmp_file.fileno()) # Don't need exist_ok since we created the phase 1 file # If someone else left the phase 2 file behind, they were done anyway phase_2_path.touch() # The phase 1 dotfile is left in place so other processes attempting # to interact with the dimension using this code will fail to create # the file self._sync_directory() # Phase 2: Move the temporary files over the originals # If this fails, we can just do the rest of the moves for region in self.cache.values(): tmp_path = self.path / TMP_FORMAT.format(*region.coords) perm_path = tmp_path.parent / REGION_FORMAT.format(*region.coords) tmp_path.replace(perm_path) self._sync_directory() # Remove the phase 1 dotfile first so a failure between removals # leaves directory in a unique state phase_1_path.unlink() self._sync_directory() phase_2_path.unlink() # It's OK if the phase 2 dotfile doesn't get removed immediately. # sync'ing the directory is used for happens-before, not for proper # durability.
[docs] def save_fast(self): """Save every region currently cached (like :meth:`save_all`). Prefer speed over correctness; do not provide any guarantees beyond those of the basic region caching system. """ if self._atomic: raise RuntimeError('Cannot save_fast() inside an atomic block.') old_max = self.max_cache self.max_cache = 0 self.release() self.max_cache = old_max
@property def atomic(self): """Make the following operations atomic. Either every change made within the block will be saved to disk, or none of those changes are saved to disk. This should not be confused with the other three `ACID`_ guarantees (particularly isolation). The transaction is aborted if and only if an exception is raised (but see below). .. _ACID: Can be used as a context manager or decorator:: @dim.regions.atomic def atomic_function(): # Things in here will happen atomically. with dim.regions.atomic: # Things in here will happen atomically In some circumstances, you may need to call :meth:`recover_atomic`. This is generally only necessary if the system crashed or lost power while actually saving regions to disk. The method may roll back a partially-committed transaction to ensure atomicity, or it may complete the transaction. It is legal to call :meth:`save_all` while in this context. Doing so creates a sort of "checkpoint"; if an exception is raised, the context rolls back to the last checkpoint. There is an implicit checkpoint at the beginning of the context. Nested invocations are legal but have no effect. This consumes memory more aggressively than normal operations. It ignores the :attr:`max_cache` attribute for the sake of correctness. .. warning:: This is not the same as thread safety. If you require thread safety, use explicit locking. Multiple threads attempting to enter or exit the atomic context at the same time can cause data corruption, and the rest of the class is similarly unsafe for concurrent access. .. note:: Atomicity is only guaranteed on systems where :func:`os.replace` is atomic and :func:`os.fsync` can be used on a directory. Most POSIX-compliant systems should satisfy these requirements. Windows most likely fails the second and perhaps the first as well. The Python implementation of :meth:`pathlib.Path.touch` may also require a working ``O_EXCL`` flag, which is known to be broken under some versions of NFS. More generally, working on a network drive of any kind is questionable. """ return _AtomicContext(self)
[docs] def recover_atomic(self) -> bool: """Recover from a failure during :attr:`atomic` or :meth:`save_all`. Call this method if a system crash or other severe problem occurs while exiting an :attr:`atomic` block. It is not necessary to call this method if the crash occurred while control was still inside the block. The method should also be called if :meth:`save_all` raised an exception, even if it did so inside an atomic block. Return True if the changes were saved, False if the changes were rolled back. Also return True if the Dimension is already in a "clean" state and recovery is unnecessary. .. warning:: Do not call this method while a save is in progress. Doing so will likely cause severe data corruption. This rule applies regardless of which process is performing the save. :meth:`save_all` raises a :exc:`~.exceptions.ConcurrentError` to indicate that it believes a save cannot be safely made at the current time. Calling this method will override that safety check. """ phase_1_path = self.path / FIRST_DOTFILE phase_2_path = self.path / SECOND_DOTFILE phase_1_exists = phase_1_path.exists() phase_2_exists = phase_2_path.exists()'Repairing failed save_all()') if phase_1_exists and phase_2_exists: # We were in phase 2. Just finish it.'Completing save') tmpfile_glob = self.path.glob(TMP_GLOB) for source in tmpfile_glob: # Slice off the '.tmp' extension, leaving the '.mca' destination = source.parent / source.stem logger.debug('Replacing %s with %s', destination, source) source.replace(destination)'Save completed; removing dotfiles') phase_1_path.unlink() phase_2_path.unlink() return True elif phase_2_exists and not phase_1_exists: # Phase 2 was complete, but the dotfile did not get removed'Save already succeded; removing %s', phase_2_path) phase_2_path.unlink() return True elif phase_1_exists and not phase_2_exists: # We were in phase 1. Roll the operation back'Rolling back save') tmpfile_glob = self.path.glob(TMP_GLOB) for path in tmpfile_glob: logger.debug('Removing %s', path) path.unlink()'Save reverted; removing %s', phase_1_path) phase_1_path.unlink() return False else: # Neither dotfile exists; the directory is "clean" assert not phase_1_exists and not phase_2_exists'Directory is clean; nothing to do') return True
@property def max_cache(self): """The number of regions to keep cached. An unlimited number of regions can be cached temporarily, but when :meth:`release` is called, only this many regions will be kept. If set to :obj:`None` or we are inside an :attr:`atomic` block, the :meth:`release` method does nothing, and the cache may grow arbitrarily large. .. note:: Setting this attribute does not automatically call :meth:`release`, which is usually necessary if you want to ensure that :attr:`cache_size` is at most :attr:`max_cache`. """ return self._max_cache @max_cache.setter def max_cache(self, new_max_cache: int): if new_max_cache is None: self._max_cache = new_max_cache return new_max_cache = int(new_max_cache) if new_max_cache < 0: raise ValueError("max_cache must be nonnegative") self._max_cache = new_max_cache @property def cache_size(self): """Number of regions currently cached. Should be <= :obj:`max_cache` immediately after a call to :meth:`release`, except inside an :attr:`atomic` invocation. """ return len(self.cache) def _load_region(self, r_x: int, r_z: int, require_exist: bool=True) -> region.Region: """Load the given region from disk and return it. No caching. """ region_path = self.path / REGION_FORMAT.format(r_x, r_z) try: region_file ='rb') except FileNotFoundError as err: if require_exist: raise IndexError('Region {}, {} does not exist' .format(r_x, r_z)) from err'Region %d, %d does not exist, generating empty', r_x, r_z, exc_info=True) return region.Region(r_x, r_z, namespace=self._namespace) with region_file: return region.Region.load(r_x, r_z, region_file, namespace=self._namespace)
[docs] def get_region(self, r_x: int, r_z: int, require_exist: bool=True) -> region.Region: """Return the requested region. Looks for a file with a name like ``r.1.2.mca`` in :attr:`path`, and loads it using :meth:`.region.Region.load`. If the region is cached, the cached copy is returned directly. """ try: result = self.cache[r_x, r_z] except KeyError: result = self._load_region(r_x, r_z, require_exist) self.cache[r_x, r_z] = result self.cache.move_to_end((r_x, r_z)) return result
[docs] def flush_cache(self, *, save=True): """Trim the cache to at most :attr:`max_cache` items. If save is True, any regions discarded from the cache will be saved to disk (instead of just dropping them). """ if self.max_cache is None: return if self._atomic: return while len(self.cache) > self.max_cache: coords, reg = self.cache.popitem(last=False) if save: r_path = self.path / TMP_FORMAT.format(*coords) with'wb') as output: r_path.replace(self.path / REGION_FORMAT.format(*coords))
[docs] def release(self): """Equivalent to :meth:`flush_cache` with save=True.""" self.flush_cache(save=True)
[docs] def close(self): """Empty the cache and set :attr:`max_cache` to zero.""" self.max_cache=0
class _EntitySliceable: def __init__(self, dim: Dimension): self.dim = dim def __repr__(self): return '<_EntitySliceable: owner={!r}>'.format(self.dim) @staticmethod def _slice_cleanup(idx): try: x_slice, y_slice, z_slice = idx except ValueError as ve: raise TypeError('Only 3D slicing allowed') from ve if any(s.step is not None for s in (x_slice, y_slice, z_slice)): raise ValueError('You may not specify a step') if any(s.start is None or s.stop is None for s in (x_slice, z_slice)): raise ValueError('Unbounded slicing in the X or Z dimension') y_slice = slice(*y_slice.indices(HEIGHT_LIMIT)) return x_slice, y_slice, z_slice @staticmethod def _in_range(idx): return lambda ent: all(sl.start <= coord < sl.stop for sl, coord in zip(idx, ent.pos)) @_cache_correct def __getitem__(self, idx): x_slice, y_slice, z_slice = self._slice_cleanup(idx) idx = (x_slice, y_slice, z_slice) in_range = self._in_range(idx) x_range, _, z_range = self.dim._make_chunk_range(*idx) result = [] for c_x, c_z in itertools.product(x_range, z_range): ck = self.dim._getchunk(c_x, c_z) result.extend([x for x in ck.entities if in_range(x)]) return result @_cache_correct def __setitem__(self, idx, seq): x_slice, y_slice, z_slice = self._slice_cleanup(idx) idx = (x_slice, y_slice, z_slice) mapping = collections.defaultdict(set) seq = list(seq) seen_uuids = set() # Check for duplicate UUIDs. Not perfect but may # catch obvious errors # First, figure out which chunk each entity belongs to for ent in seq: if ent.uuid in seen_uuids: raise KeyError('UUID {!r} is duplicated.'.format(ent.uuid)) seen_uuids.add(ent.uuid) x, y, z = ent.pos mapping[int(x)//CHUNK_BLOCKS, int(z)//CHUNK_BLOCKS].add(ent) in_range = self._in_range(idx) # Now, for each chunk... x_range, _, z_range = self.dim._make_chunk_range(x_slice, y_slice, z_slice) for c_x, c_z in itertools.product(x_range, z_range): ck = self.dim._getchunk(c_x, c_z) preexisting = (ent for ent in ck.entities if not in_range(ent)) # Attach all the entities belonging to that chunk, plus # already-present entities which were not in the range specified. # Start with the custom entities so they take precedence over # duplicates. # XXX: Not sure if this behavior of set.union() is contractual. ck.entities = mapping[c_x, c_z].union(preexisting) def __delitem__(self, idx): self.__setitem__(idx, set()) def _flush_cache(self): return self.dim._flush_cache() class _AtomicContext(contextlib.ContextDecorator): def __init__(self, owner: FileRegionManager): self.owner = owner self.stack = [] def __repr__(self): return '<_AtomicContext: owner={!r}>'.format(self.owner) def __enter__(self): if self.owner._atomic: self.stack.append(False) else: self.owner.save_all() self.owner._atomic = True self.stack.append(True) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if not self.stack.pop(): return False if exc_type is None: self.owner.save_all() else: # Throw out the cache entirely self.owner.cache = collections.OrderedDict() self.owner._atomic = False self.owner.flush_cache(save=False) # Do not suppress exceptions return False