Source code for nbtparse.syntax

"""Utilities relating to low-level NBT syntax.

The package currently consists of a single module, plus a class that used to
be a module:

* :mod:`~nbtparse.syntax.tags` provides object-oriented NBT encoding
  and decoding.

* :class:`~nbtparse.syntax.ids` provides tag ID's (e.g.
  :obj:`ids.TAG_Byte<nbtparse.syntax.ids.TAG_Byte>` is 1).


import enum

[docs]class ids(enum.IntEnum): """Defines various tag ID's. Formerly a module, now implemented as a class. This provides various benefits while retaining compatibility and a straightforward interface. """ TAG_End = 0 #: ID of a TAG_End TAG_Byte = 1 #: ID of a TAG_Byte TAG_Short = 2 #: ID of a TAG_Short TAG_Int = 3 #: ID of a TAG_Int TAG_Long = 4 #: ID of a TAG_Long TAG_Float = 5 #: ID of a TAG_Float TAG_Double = 6 #: ID of a TAG_Double TAG_Byte_Array = 7 #: ID of a TAG_Byte_Array TAG_String = 8 #: ID of a TAG_String TAG_List = 9 #: ID of a TAG_List TAG_Compound = 10 #: ID of a TAG_Compound TAG_Int_Array = 11 #: ID of a TAG_Int_Array