Source code for nbtparse.minecraft.mobs

"""All the mobs in vanilla minecraft."""

import abc
import collections
import as cabc
import enum
import numbers

from ..syntax import tags, ids
from ..semantics import filetype, fields, nbtobject
from . import entity, item



[docs]class HealthField(fields.MultiField): """A field for a mob's health.""" def __init__(self, short_name: str, float_name: str, default: numbers.Real=0): nbt_names = (short_name, float_name) super(HealthField, self).__init__(nbt_names, default=0) def __repr__(self): short_name, float_name = self.nbt_names return 'HealthField({!r}, {!r}, default={!r})'.format(short_name, float_name, self.default) @staticmethod
[docs] def to_python(short_tag: tags.ShortTag, float_tag: tags.FloatTag) -> numbers.Real: if float_tag is not None: return float(float_tag) if short_tag is None: return None return int(short_tag)
[docs] def from_python(value: numbers.Real) -> (tags.ShortTag, tags.FloatTag): if value is None: return (None, None) if isinstance(value, numbers.Integral): return (tags.ShortTag(value), tags.FloatTag(value)) if isinstance(value, numbers.Real): return (None, tags.FloatTag(value)) raise TypeError("Must be a real number.")
[docs]class PotionEffect(nbtobject.NBTObject): """A potion effect, usually attached to a mob.""" id = fields.ByteField('id') amplifier = fields.ByteField('Amplifier') duration = fields.IntField('Duration') ambient = fields.BooleanField('Ambient') def __repr__(self): return 'PotionEffect.from_nbt({!r})'.format(
[docs]class Modifier(nbtobject.NBTObject): """An attribute modifier.""" name = fields.UnicodeField('Name') amount = fields.DoubleField('Amount') operation = fields.IntField('Operation') uuid = fields.UUIDField('UUIDMost', 'UUIDLeast') def __repr__(self): return 'Modifier.from_nbt({!r})'.format(
[docs]class Attribute(nbtobject.NBTObject): """An attribute, usually attached to a mob.""" name = fields.UnicodeField('Name') base = fields.DoubleField('Base') modifiers = fields.ObjectListField('Modifiers', Modifier) def __repr__(self): return '<Attribute: name={!r}, base={!r}>'.format(, self.base)
[docs]class Leash(nbtobject.NBTObject): """A leash for a mob. Only represents one "end" of the leash Exactly one of uuid and coords should exist. """ uuid = fields.UUIDField('UUIDMost', 'UUIDLeast') coords = fields.TupleMultiField(('X', 'Y', 'Z'), (int,) * 3, (tags.IntTag,) * 3, default=(0,) * 3) def __repr__(self): return '<Leash: uuid={!r}, coords={!r}>'.format(self.uuid, self.coords)
[docs]class Mob(entity.Entity): """A mob, in minecraft terms. Do not instantiate directly, instead use a subclass. """ health = HealthField('Health', 'HealthF') absorption = fields.FloatField('AbsorptionAmount') attack_ticks = fields.ShortField('AttackTime') hurt_ticks = fields.ShortField('HurtTime') death_ticks = fields.ShortField('DeathTime') attributes = fields.ObjectListField('Attributes', Attribute) active_effects = fields.ObjectListField('ActiveEffects', PotionEffect) equipment = fields.ObjectTupleField('Equipment', item.Item) drop_chances = fields.TupleListField('DropChances', float, tags.FloatTag, ids.TAG_Float, default=(0.0,)*5) can_pickup_loot = fields.BooleanField('CanPickUpLoot') persistent = fields.BooleanField('PersistenceRequired') name = fields.UnicodeField('CustomName') name_visible = fields.BooleanField('CustomNameVisible') leashed = fields.BooleanField('Leashed') leash = fields.NBTObjectField('Leash', Leash)
[docs]class Breedable(Mob): """A mob which can be bred.""" in_love = fields.IntField('InLove') age = fields.IntField('Age')
[docs]class Tameable(Mob): """A mob which can be tamed. Horses are not tamed conventionally and are not Tameable. """ owner = fields.UnicodeField('Owner') sitting = fields.BooleanField('Sitting')
[docs]class Blaze(Mob, id='Blaze'): """A blaze. Flying ranged mob that shoots fire. """ pass
[docs]class Creeper(Mob, id='Creeper'): """The infamous creeper. A 2-block tall hostile mob with an explosive attack that destroys blocks. """ powered = fields.BooleanField('powered') explosion_radius = fields.ByteField('ExplosionRadius') fuse = fields.ShortField('Fuse')
[docs]class CaveSpider(Mob, id='CaveSpider'): """A cave spider. A small poisonous spider. """ pass
[docs]class EnderDragon(Mob, id='EnderDragon'): """The Ender Dragon. The final boss. """ pass
[docs]class Ghast(Mob, id='Ghast'): """A ghast. A large floating mob that shoots fireballs and breaks blocks. """ pass
[docs]class Giant(Mob, id='Giant'): """A giant. A very large zombie. Doesn't spawn naturally. """ pass
[docs]class Slime(Mob, id='Slime'): """A slime. A variable-sized mob which divides on death. """ size = fields.IntField('Size')
[docs]class MagmaCube(Slime, id='LavaSlime'): """A magma cube. A slime from The Nether. """ pass
[docs]class Silverfish(Mob, id='Silverfish'): """A silverfish. Small swarming mob that hides in tile entities. """ pass
[docs]class Skeleton(Mob, id='Skeleton'): """A skeleton. A ranged mob with a bow and arrows. """ wither = fields.BooleanField('SkeletonType')
[docs]class Spider(Mob, id='Spider'): """A spider. A large short mob that can climb walls. """ pass
[docs]class Witch(Mob, id='Witch'): """A witch. A ranged mob that throws potions. """ pass
[docs]class Wither(Mob, id='WitherBoss'): """A wither. A boss mob the player has to construct from wither skeletons. """ invulnerable = fields.IntField('Invul')
[docs]class Zombie(Mob, id='Zombie'): """A zombie. A mob that can convert villagers into more zombies. """ is_villager = fields.BooleanField('IsVillager') is_baby = fields.BooleanField('IsBaby') conversion_time = fields.IntField('ConversionTime')
[docs]class Enderman(Mob, id='Enderman'): """An enderman. Endermen are 3-block tall neutral mobs that can carry blocks around. """ carried = fields.ShortField('carried') carried_data = fields.ShortField('carriedData')
[docs]class Wolf(Breedable, Tameable, id='Wolf'): angry = fields.BooleanField('Angry') collar_color = fields.ByteField('CollarColor')
[docs]class ZombiePigman(Zombie, id='PigZombie'): anger = fields.ShortField('Anger')
[docs]class Bat(Mob, id='Bat'): """A bat. A small flying mob. Drops nothing. """ hanging = fields.BooleanField('BatFlags')
[docs]class Chicken(Breedable, id='Chicken'): """A chicken. Small mob. Lays eggs and drops feathers. """ pass
[docs]class Cow(Breedable, id='Cow'): """A cow. Large mob. Produces milk. Drops leather and beef. """ pass
[docs]class Mooshroom(Breedable, id='MushroomCow'): """A Mooshroom (mushroom-cow) Like the cow, but produces mushroom stew instead of milk. Can be shorn into a regular cow, dropping mushrooms. """ pass
[docs]class HorseType(enum.Enum): """The valid values for :obj:`Horse.type`.""" horse = 0 #: Indicates a regular horse. donkey = 1 #: Indicates a donkey. mule = 2 #: Indicates a mule. zombie = 3 #: Indicates a zombie horse; not naturally spawned. skeleton = 4 #: Indicates a skeleton horse; not naturally spawned.
[docs]class Horse(Breedable, id='EntityHorse'): """A horse. A tall rideable mob. """ bred = fields.BooleanField('Bred') chested = fields.BooleanField('ChestedHorse') eating = fields.BooleanField('EatingHaystack') has_reproduced = fields.BooleanField('HasReproduced') tame = fields.BooleanField('Tame') temper = fields.IntField('Temper') type = fields.EnumField('Type', HorseType, variant = fields.IntField('Variant') owner_name = fields.UnicodeField('OwnerName') items = fields.ObjectListField('Items', item.Item) armor = fields.NBTObjectField('ArmorItem', item.Item) saddle = fields.NBTObjectField('SaddleItem', item.Item)
[docs]class Ocelot(Tameable, Breedable, id='Ozelot'): """An ocelot. A tameable mob. """ cat_type = fields.IntField('CatType')
[docs]class Pig(Breedable, id='Pig'): """A pig. A short mob that drops porkchops. """ saddle = fields.BooleanField('Saddle')
[docs]class Sheep(Breedable, id='Sheep'): """A sheep. A mob that can be shorn for wool. """ sheared = fields.BooleanField('Sheared') color = fields.ByteField('Color')
[docs]class Squid(Mob, id='Squid'): """A squid. An underwater mob that drops ink sacs. """ pass
[docs]class OfferListMeta(abc.ABCMeta, nbtobject.NBTMeta): """Metaclass for :class:`OfferList`.""" pass
[docs]class Offer(nbtobject.NBTObject): """An individual villager offer.""" max_uses = fields.IntField('maxUses') uses = fields.IntField('uses') buy = fields.NBTObjectField('buy', item.Item) buy_secondary = fields.NBTObjectField('buyB', item.Item) sell = fields.NBTObjectField('sell', item.Item) def __repr__(self): return ('<Offer: buy={!r}, secondary={!r}, sell={!r}>' .format(, self.buy_secondary, self.sell))
[docs]class OfferList(nbtobject.NBTObject, cabc.MutableSequence, metaclass=OfferListMeta): """List of offers a villager has. For convenience, sequence-related functionality is redirected to """ recipes = fields.ObjectListField('Recipes', Offer) def __getitem__(self, index): return[index] def __setitem__(self, index, value):[index] = value def __delitem__(self, index, value): del[index]
[docs] def insert(self, index, value):, value)
def __len__(self): return len(
[docs]class VillagerProfession(enum.Enum): """The valid values for :obj:`Villager.profession`.""" farmer = 0 #: A farmer, with a brown robe. librarian = 1 #: A librarian, with a white robe. priest = 2 #: A priest, with a purple robe. smith = 3 #: A blacksmith, with a black apron. butcher = 4 #: A butcher, with a white apron. #: A "generic" villager, with a green robe. Not spawned naturally. generic = 5
[docs]class Villager(Breedable, id='Villager'): """A villager. A passive mob that players can trade with. """ profession = fields.EnumField('Profession', VillagerProfession) riches = fields.IntField('Riches') offers = fields.NBTObjectField('Offers', OfferList)
[docs]class Abilities(nbtobject.NBTObject): """A set of abilities for a player.""" walk_speed = fields.FloatField('walkSpeed') fly_speed = fields.FloatField('flySpeed') may_fly = fields.BooleanField('mayfly') flying = fields.BooleanField('flying') invulnerable = fields.BooleanField('invulnerable') may_build = fields.BooleanField('mayBuild') instabuild = fields.BooleanField('instabuild') def __repr__(self): return 'Abilities.from_nbt({!r})'.format(
[docs]class Player(Mob, filetype.GzippedNBTFile): """A player, and the accompanying player.dat file.""" dimension = fields.IntField('Dimension') mode = fields.IntField('playerGameType') score = fields.IntField('Score') selected_item_slot = fields.IntField('SelectedItemSlot') spawn = fields.TupleMultiField(('SpawnX', 'SpawnY', 'SpawnZ'), (int,) * 3, (tags.IntTag,) * 3, default=(0,) * 3) spawn_forced = fields.BooleanField('SpawnForced') sleeping = fields.BooleanField('Sleeping') sleep_timer = fields.ShortField('SleepTimer') food_level = fields.IntField('foodLevel') food_exhaustion = fields.IntField('foodExhaustionLevel') food_saturation = fields.IntField('foodSaturationLevel') food_timer = fields.IntField('foodTickTimer') xp_level = fields.IntField('XpLevel') xp_progress = fields.IntField('XpP') xp_total = fields.IntField('XpTotal') inventory = fields.ObjectListField('Inventory', item.Item) ender_items = fields.ObjectListField('EnderItems', item.Item) abilities = fields.NBTObjectField('abilities', Abilities)
[docs]class SnowGolem(Mob, id='SnowMan'): """A snow golem (snowman). A mob that throws snowballs at hostile mobs. """ pass
[docs]class IronGolem(Mob, id='VillagerGolem'): """An iron golem. A large defensive mob that also spawns naturally to protect villages. """ player_created = fields.BooleanField('PlayerCreated')