Source code for nbtparse.minecraft.level

from ..syntax import tags
from ..semantics import filetype, fields, nbtobject
from . import mobs

[docs]class RulesField(fields.HomogenousDictField): """Field for the dictionary of game rules."""
[docs] def item_to_python(self, key, value): return (str(key), value=='true')
[docs] def item_from_python(self, key, value): if value: return (tags.StringTag(key), tags.StringTag('true')) else: return (tags.StringTag(key), tags.StringTag('false'))
[docs]class LevelFile(filetype.GzippedNBTFile): """Represents a ``level.dat`` file.""" version = fields.IntField('version') version.__doc__ = 'The NBT version of this level; should be 19133.' initialized = fields.BooleanField('initialized') initialized.__doc__ = ('Whether world has undergone "running initial ' 'simulation..."') name = fields.UnicodeField('LevelName') name.__doc__ = 'The name of the level.' generator = fields.UnicodeField('generatorName') generator.__doc__ = '''The name of the generator used to create the level. .. note:: This is not a vanity field. Minecraft uses it to decide how to populate empty chunks. Putting an arbitrary string here may cause problems ''' generator_version = fields.IntField('generatorVersion') generator_version.__doc__ = 'Version number of the :obj:`generator`.' generator_options = fields.UnicodeField('generatorOptions') generator_options.__doc__ = '''Custom superflat settings. Empty for other generators.''' seed = fields.LongField('RandomSeed') seed.__doc__ = '''Seed for the world generator.''' features = fields.BooleanField('MapFeatures') features.__doc__ = '''Whether or not structures are generated.''' last_played = fields.UTCField('LastPlayed') last_played.__doc__ = '''Time (in UTC) when level was last loaded.''' size = fields.LongField('SizeOnDisk') size.__doc__ = '''Estimated size of the level on disk. Currently ignored by Minecraft. ''' cheats = fields.BooleanField('allowCommands') cheats.__doc__ = '''Whether cheats are enabled.''' hardcore = fields.BooleanField('hardcore') hardcore.__doc__ = '''Whether hardcore mode is enabled.''' game_type = fields.IntField('GameType') game_type.__doc__ = '''The game mode.''' ticks = fields.LongField('Time') ticks.__doc__ = '''Age of the level in ticks.''' time_of_day = fields.LongField('DayTime') time_of_day.__doc__ = ('Age in the level in thousandths of in-game ' 'hours.') spawn = fields.TupleMultiField(('SpawnX', 'SpawnY', 'SpawnZ'), (int, int, int), (tags.IntTag, tags.IntTag, tags.IntTag), default=(0, 0, 0)) spawn.__doc__ = "Coordinates of the level's spawn." raining = fields.BooleanField('raining') raining.__doc__ = 'Whether rain and snow are falling on the level.' rain_time = fields.IntField('rainTime') rain_time.__doc__ = 'Number of ticks until :obj:`raining` changes.' thundering = fields.BooleanField('thundering') thundering.__doc__ = 'Whether a lightning storm is happening.' thunder_time = fields.IntField('thunderTime') thunder_time.__doc__ = 'Number of ticks until :obj:`thundering` changes.' player = fields.NBTObjectField('Player', mobs.Player) player.__doc__ = '''The :obj:`player<.mobs.Player>`. May not exist in multiplayer. ''' rules = RulesField('GameRules') rules.__doc__ = """The custom rules for this level. Stored as a dictionary. Keys are rule names and values are booleans. """ @staticmethod
[docs] def prepare_save(nbt: tags.CompoundTag) -> tags.CompoundTag: """Wrap the argument in a singleton CompoundTag.""" return tags.CompoundTag({'Data': nbt})
[docs] def prepare_load(nbt: tags.CompoundTag) -> tags.CompoundTag: """Unwrap the argument.""" return nbt['Data']
def __repr__(self): return '<LevelFile instance: name={!r}>'.format(