Source code for nbtparse.minecraft.entity_ids

import collections
import as cabc
import logging
import types
import weakref

from .. import exceptions

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_REGISTERED_CLASSES = collections.defaultdict(weakref.WeakValueDictionary)
# Keys: module name (string)
# Values: dictionaries mapping identifier strings to classes

[docs]class Namespace(cabc.Mapping): """Immutable namespace of entities. Maps identifier strings to classes. Temporary classes are kept alive by being in the mapping. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._mapping = dict(*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): return ('<Namespace (entity_ids): {!r} entries>' .format(len(self))) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._mapping[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._mapping) def __len__(self): return len(self._mapping)
[docs]def register_class(ident: str) -> callable: """Decorator to register a class with the entity IDs system. Usually called automatically from :class:`entity.EntityMeta`; you should not need to call this yourself. """ def decorator(class_: 'entity.EntityMeta') -> 'entity.EntityMeta': module_name = class_.__module__ _REGISTERED_CLASSES[module_name][ident] = class_ return class_ return decorator
[docs]def make_namespace(*modules: types.ModuleType) -> Namespace: """Return a :class:`Namespace` created from the given modules. All classes which have been declared at the top level or decorated with :func:`register_class` are included in the namespace. """ registered_names = {} for module in modules: registered_names.update(_REGISTERED_CLASSES[module.__name__]) return Namespace(registered_names)
_VANILLA = {} VANILLA = None """The :class:`Namespace` containing all vanilla entities.""" def _make_vanilla(*modules: types.ModuleType) -> None: global VANILLA VANILLA = make_namespace(*modules)