Source code for nbtparse.minecraft.entity

"""Classes for Minecraft entities."""

import logging
import warnings

from ..syntax import tags
from ..syntax import ids
from ..semantics import fields, nbtobject
from .. import exceptions
from . import entity_ids

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class EntityMeta(nbtobject.NBTMeta): """Metaclass for entities. The ID of the entity should be passed as a class keyword argument called id, as follows:: class FooEntity(Entity, id='namespace:foo'): pass This will create a top-level field with the given string as its default value, for the entity's ID. If the class is declared at the top level of its module, this will also register it via :mod:`entity_ids`, in the :class:`~entity_ids.EntityNamespace` called ``'namespace'``. If no namespace is specified, the empty string is assumed. .. note:: The empty string namespace is reserved for use by application code. Third-party libraries should always specify a namespace. The namespace ``'minecraft'`` is reserved for entities which exist in vanilla Minecraft. """ def __new__(mcs, names, bases, dct, *args, id=None, **kwargs): cls = super().__new__(mcs, names, bases, dct, *args, **kwargs) if id is not None: identifier = str(id) del id # Don't shadow a builtin longer than absolutely necessary if '.' in cls.__qualname__: logger.debug('Not registering %r: dot in qualname', cls) else: cls = entity_ids.register_class(identifier)(cls) field = fields.UnicodeField('id', default=identifier) field.__doc__ = """Usually equal to {!r}""".format(identifier) = field return cls def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct, *args, id=None, namespace='', **kwargs): super().__init__(name, bases, dct, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class CoordinateField(fields.TupleListField): """Field for a ``TAG_List`` of coordinates. Pythonic equivalent is a tuple with two or three elements depending on whether or not Y is included. Elements may be ints or floats depending on the underlying datatype. """ def __init__(self, nbt_name: str, has_y: bool, fractional: bool): if fractional: item_to_python = float item_from_python = tags.DoubleTag content_id = ids.TAG_Double if has_y: default = (0.0,) * 3 else: default = (0.0,) * 2 else: item_to_python = int item_from_python = tags.IntTag content_id = ids.TAG_Int if has_y: default = (0,) * 3 else: default = (0,) * 2 self.has_y = has_y self.fractional = fractional super(CoordinateField, self).__init__(nbt_name, item_to_python, item_from_python, content_id, default=default)
[docs] def set_field_value(self, obj: object, field_name, value: (int, int, ...)): if obj is None: super(CoordinateField, self).set_field_value(obj, field_name, value) return if self.has_y and len(value) != 3: raise ValueError("Wrong number of coordinates: expected 3.") elif not self.has_y and len(value) != 2: raise ValueError("Wrong number of coordinates: expected 2.") super(CoordinateField, self).set_field_value(obj, field_name, value)
def __repr__(self): return 'CoordinateField({!r}, {!r}, {!r})'.format(self.nbt_name, self.has_y, self.fractional)
[docs]class Entity(nbtobject.NBTObject, metaclass=EntityMeta): """A Minecraft entity. Subclasses of :class:`Entity` may be declared with an extra parameter like this:: class Foo(Entity, id='Foo'): pass Such subclasses have an ID field attached to them automatically, with an appropriate default value. Entities are hashable and compare equal if they have the same UUID (and the same :func:`type`). """ id = fields.UnicodeField('id') id.__doc__ = """What kind of entity this is. :mod:`.entityfactory` can use this to create subclasses of :class:`Entity` automatically. """ pos = CoordinateField('Pos', has_y=True, fractional=True) pos.__doc__ = """Position of this entity, in (x, y, z) form. Values may be fractional. """ motion = CoordinateField('Motion', has_y=True, fractional=True) motion.__doc__ = """Velocity at which this entity is moving. Stored as an (x, y, z) tuple. """ rotation = CoordinateField('Rotation', has_y=False, fractional=True) rotation.__doc__ = """Rotation of this entity. Stored as (yaw, pitch). Roll is not supported. """ fall_distance = fields.FloatField('FallDistance') fall_distance.__doc__ = """Distance this entity has fallen. Farther distances will result in greater fall damage on landing. """ fire_ticks = fields.ShortField('Fire') fire_ticks.__doc__ = """How much longer this entity will be aflame. Equal to -1 if not on fire. Larger negative values make it temporarily fireproof. """ air_ticks = fields.ShortField('Air') air_ticks.__doc__ = """How much longer until this entity begins to drown. Starts at 300 when above water and goes down when underwater. At zero, lose 1 health per second. """ on_ground = fields.BooleanField('OnGround') on_ground.__doc__ = """Whether this entity is touching the ground.""" dimension = fields.IntField('Dimension') dimension.__doc__ = """Which dimension we're in. .. note:: This information is stored elsewhere; it is not known why Minecraft stores it here as well. """ invulnerable = fields.BooleanField('Invulnerable') invulnerable.__doc__ = """Whether entity is immune to all damage. Also applies to nonliving entities. """ mount = fields.NBTObjectField('Riding', fields.SELF_REFERENCE) mount.__doc__ = """The entity which this entity is riding, if any. If this entity is not riding another, the field is :obj:`None`. """ portal_cooldown = fields.IntField('PortalCooldown') portal_cooldown.__doc__ = ( """Number of ticks until this entity passes through a portal. Starts at 900 and counts down when in a portal. Switch dimensions at zero. """) uuid = fields.UUIDField('UUIDMost', 'UUIDLeast', default=fields.NEW_UUID) uuid.__doc__ = """`Universally unique identifier`_ for this entity. .. _Universally unique identifier: Should be unique across *every* Minecraft world. Creating a new entity will set this to a new UUID. If you make a copy of this object, you should set the UUID to a new value to avoid creating duplicates. """ def __repr__(self): name = type(self).__name__ return '<{}: id={!r}, pos={!r}, uuid={!r}>'.format(name,, self.pos, self.uuid)